Mysterious Complexity of the Mind

Richard Aberdeen
7 min readDec 6, 2023


Mysterious Complexity of the Mind
Mysterious Complexity of the Mind — Hal Gatewood — Unsplash

A few decades ago and still wrongly assumed by many today, the consensus was that we humans use less than ten percent of our brain. This myth has been traced back to people as diverse as Einstein (1879–1955) and psychologist William James (1842–1910). Suffice it to say, simplistic neatly compartmentalized human brain charts of the recent past are arguably no more valid than ancient world maps and the now completely outdated cosmological charts of pre-Copernican Europe.

And knowledge of the human brain continues to grow exponentially here in the 21st Century. It is believed today that no two humans think exactly alike and, that much like snowflakes, each individual human brain is unique. Like the Bible says, God creates each one of us with an “individual heart”; your true desires are not those of either your spouse, children or closest friend.

We can see this displayed all over the historical record, where individual people aspire to many unique and different methods of survival, entertainment and pursuit of happiness, purpose and fulfillment. Some have said that the human brain is the most complex thing in the entire universe. While this may not be true, it serves to demonstrate the astronomically overwhelming complexity of the human mind.

Not all of us strive to be authors, educators, musicians, political leaders, athletes, business entrepreneurs or brain surgeons, nor do we all prefer the same foods, colors, songs and a very long list of other individual traits not necessarily shared by everyone even within the same cultural reality or even the same immediate family.

While some people in the modern age seem to require volumes of alcohol and massive amounts of artificial external stimuli to achieve what they perceive as having “a good time”, others enjoy the “simple things” of life, like working with their hands, rocking on a porch, hiking in the mountains or slowly devouring a plate of carefully selected food.

Today science believes we use at least 98% of our brain and, while different regions of the brain seem to be specific to various kinds of activities, many different parts of the human brain outside of these areas are used in tandem with such specific regions.

This demonstrates that how our brain actually functions is far more complex than previously assumed. Today science believes that every part of the human body, including the much maligned appendix, has a legitimate function and purpose for being there. Hardcore Darwinsts randomly invented out of very thin air that because they didn’t know what the purpose for it was, therefore 90% of our DNA must be “left-over evolutionary baggage” (consider the arrogance of such a boneheaded assumption).

Now many if not most scientists believe at least 50% of our DNA (some say at least 80%) does in fact have a purpose. And it is a very safe bet that not far down the evidence gathering road, like any average grade school brain would have already assumed based on the fact that everything else in our body seems to have a purpose, it will likely soon enough be announced that indeed, all of our DNA does in fact have a purpose.

But don’t expect anyone in the scientific community to apologize for randomly leading generations of trusting students down a bottomless black rabbit hole of baseless superstition. Unfortunately, it is also a safe bet that many liars fancying themselves as ‘scientists” will continue to embrace the least plausible explanation, while openly denying the overwhelming evidence for deliberate conception, design and creation.

According to many diverse scientists and experiments, it appears today that conceptions of “mind”, “self”, “soul” and “conscious awareness” may not be limited to the brain itself, as long previously assumed. It has been discovered that individual neurons carry multiple signals at the same time and, the human brain is not only incredibly different than a computer in how it operates, it remains virtually astronomically more complex.

According to a 2017 CBS News report, a large-scale global study of human consciousness at death indicates that conscious awareness sometimes if not always extends beyond clinical death. Rather than providing any good or conclusive answers, this report more than anything, demonstrates how little modern scientists really know about the human mind, which is apparently far more complex than previously assumed even less than a generation ago. Instead of conclusively proving much of anything, this study instead muddies the waters even more for a growing confusing global body of evidence:

Especially in regards to conscious awareness and the ability to self-examine within our own beings, it is believed by some scientists today that the human soul and seat of self-awareness is not isolated to the brain itself but rather, is part of a larger networked reality including our spine, nerves and various other body parts working somehow in incredible complexity tandem together, that eventually produces our perceptions of both our inner selves and the world around us. Conceptions of “soul” and “self” appear to somehow “sit” nestled within a general region of our upper body including our brain, spine, heart, nerves, vessels and upper torso.

Perhaps most people today think more centrally of their “mind” in terms of being located solely within our brain, only because this is what we have been taught from birth. This may be largely untrue of generations prior to the 18th-19th Century. What we are taught, however correct or wrong it may be, very much influences our subsequent perceptions, understanding, biases and conclusions. Some studies indicate that our heart dictates feelings to the brain, rather than the other way around. But you would be hard-pressed to get most people to agree, since this goes against everything we’ve learned since grade school.

Various tests demonstrate that what we are taught very much creates bias and clouds and distorts the judgment of even the brightest human minds. And modern scientific research indicates there is far more to conscious awareness, perception, feelings, intuition, moral and other beliefs and the human “mind” than meets the casual eye.

Studies today indicate that what many consider to be socially counter-productive or evil human traits like egoism, Machiavellianism, moral disengagement, narcissism, entitlement, psychopathy, sadism, selfishness, spitefulness and other non-caring and non-empathetic traits, stem from a common dark core within us, which the Encyclopedia Britannica refers to as “the seething mass within”.

According to Veljko Dubljevic, an assistant professor of philosophy at North Carolina State who specializes in research on the ethics of neuroscience and technology, teaching rote intellectual acceptance and non-critical thinking in regards to neuroscience in science courses is both unscientific and socially dangerous.” To which one might fairly add, teaching similarly in regards to blind process evolutionary theory remains non-scientific and dangerous to our entire planet and every living thing on it.

According to a 2013 science article published in The Guardian: More complex than any structure in the known cosmos, the brain is a masterwork of nature endowed with cognitive powers that far outstrip the capacity of any silicon machine built to emulate it. Containing roughly 80bn brain cells, or neurons, each of which communicates with thousands of other neurons, the 3lb universe cradled between our ears has more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way. How this enormous neural edifice gives rise to subjective feelings is one of the greatest mysteries of science and philosophy.

It has been assumed for a long time by those who study the relationship between the eyes and the brain, “that color and form are processed separately in the early visual cortex. . .” But it has been recently discovered that the human brain “encodes visual information efficiently using circuits that are smartly designed. Contrary to what has been taught in the classroom. . . the brain encodes color and form together in a systematic way.” Like the Psalmist long ago concluding that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” modern science more and more only serves to underscore the self-evidently obvious.

Much like the lowly virus, modern science knows virtually nothing about the human brain, soul, conscious awareness, subjective feelings and perceptions of self and true origins of disease, conflict, competition and evil, compared to what there is yet to learn. Why anyone in their right mind would pretend that something as overwhelmingly complex as a human brain could somehow magically arise out of nowhere from nothing, magically self-designing without any creator or intelligence behind the grand design universal reality, simply boggles any self-respecting mind and remains perhaps, the greatest mystery of all.

Why have so many scientists and educators evolved a very misleading habit of claiming that a certain bird “evolved” a certain type of beak, as if the bird somehow changed by its own volition, rather than stating the obvious, that both the bird and rest of life inhabits an every-changing grand design universal reality, exquisitely crafted and carefully “fine-tuned” very, very, very far beyond any remote possibility of random chance, for the emergence and ongoing necessary adaptability of life?

Unknown to Darwin, it has been discovered recently that our DNA is designed to accept some adaptations, while rejecting others, the opposite of what natural selection theory claims. Even a small child can grasp the obvious, that if life isn’t created with the ability to adapt and change, it couldn’t possibly survive within an ever-changing universal environment. Who decided that “nature” is somehow different than “creation”?

And why would anyone of even rudimentary education conclude that ambiguous human language inventions like “evolution” and “natural processes”, are somehow solely responsible for the observable grand design universal reality? Or even worse, that such unsupported baseless inventions, randomly pulled out of a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft wizard’s hat, somehow represent a better scientific explanation than deliberate conception, design and creation?

With historical hindsight that not long ago, the majority of scientists believed disease spontaneously arises from rat excrement, why would anyone fancying themselves a ‘scientist’ today say there is no God, probably no God or might be no God? What evidence do such immature historically oblivious paradoxical minds somehow magically possess and, why should we believe them? We must each ponder within our own heart, soul and mind whether or not we want our children to be ‘educated’ in such an “unscientific and socially dangerous” grossly superstitious juvenile delinquent manner.

The Dark Core of Human Personality

