God and Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin appears to have been a rather careful scientist trapped within the scientific knowledge of his own times, as is every scientist and other human being of every age in every generation tracing back into the mists of historical time, including every scientist here in the 21st Century. It would be interesting to know what Darwin would say if he was alive today and could weigh his earlier conclusions against the post-Hubble Telescope, dual-language DNA, mysterious quantum and seemingly irreducibly complex molecular worlds and innumerable virus and microbial kingdoms of life that we currently have knowledge of here in the 21st Century.
Perhaps Mr. Darwin would have long ago called for the exclusion of the term “evolution” from modern science textbooks, who can say for sure? While there is no mention of our Creator in his original edition of “On the Origin of Species”, in every subsequent edition Mr. Darwin credits God with being behind the universal reality and processes of life. Darwin writes: “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one. . .”
In an 1861 third edition, Darwin writes “. . .science as yet throws no light on the far higher problem of the essence or origin of life. . .”, which according to the Encyclopedia Britannica and several noted modern scientists, is also true of science today. Unlike many people assume and far too many scientists and educators pretend, modern science doesn’t know either how, where, when or why life first came into existence, nor do scientists know what form life originally took even on earth. Nor do they know whether life arose from one, several or even “zillions” of original tiny forms or, if life has emerged once or multiple times over the estimated 4.5+ billion-year age of our planet.
It is important to note that unlike the modern “tree” theory of evolution espoused by Richard Dawkins and many other atheistic scientists and educators, Darwin allows for the possibility of multiple original forms of life. To insist that the grand overwhelming complexity and astounding incredible variety of life we know of today all arose from a singular extremely rare, random, purely by chance, incredibly coincidental magical occurrence somewhere deep within the ocean, has resulted in an extremely narrow-minded unimaginative theory, arising out of an obvious bias towards atheism at the expense of other possibilities (and one might fairly conclude “more likely” probabilities).
And although we cannot fairly speak for Darwin, it might be fair to assume that if Darwin was alive today and had the modern knowledge we take for granted, he may well have written that life may have arisen from many or innumerable original forms, rather than just a “few” as he concludes based on the comparatively limited knowledge of his time. Also unlike far too many scientists and educators today, Darwin clearly states that his theory of evolution does NOT explain the origins of life.
These two very important distinctions are invariably overlooked in virtually all modern textbooks, videos and public discussions of Darwin, evolution and life. And so right away, we can begin to understand just how badly modern students are misled by many of their instructors, who should know better and weigh more carefully what they teach against the modern evidence. Rather than bowing to biased ivory-tower tradition, which is no more scientific than promoting religious bias and non-evidence-based tradition.
Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” is not about the origin of life itself as many assume but rather, it represents an attempt to explain how such a plethora of grand diversity and complexity of life may have eventually become what we can observe life as now being. Thus, rather than his now famous book being entitled “On the Origins of Life”, Darwin instead carefully uses the word “species” instead.
Based on 21st Century evidence unavailable to Darwin, it is grossly inaccurate to pretend that the theory of evolution by natural selection satisfactorily or even remotely explains the origins of life. Obviously if life existed prior to our own sun and solar system, as many modern scientists now suspect, human beings have no idea either how, when or where life first came into being.
And in fact, the conclusion of “Eternal Creator”, having existed far longer than any concept of human science, still remains by a very, very, very long shot, not only the best but the ONLY scientific explanation known that rationally satisfies origins. “Before Abraham was, I AM” rationally explains everything that we can see or otherwise detect here in the 21st Century, while no creator, probably no creator or possibly no creator doesn’t rationally explain anything at all. If there is no Eternal Creator, there is no science, reason, logic or rational explanation for anything that we can observe or otherwise detect.
Unlike many modern scientists and educators, Darwin openly welcomed any and all challenges to his theories and ideas and unlike many today pretend, Darwin wrote that “one can be an ardent Theist and evolutionist”. The manner in which the term “evolution” today is often carelessly used by far less qualified people, strongly implies there is no Creator or intelligence behind the universal reality (as if a human being could possibly know). In doing so, such superstitious charlatans merely open themselves up to the ridicule such a baseless assumption richly deserves.
It remains grossly unfair and scientifically and morally, just plain wrong for public schools in modern-day America to allow only the religion of atheism to be taught in a so-called ‘science’ class, at the expense of the 50% of American scientists and 80% of American educators who claim to believe in God. If we had true freedom of speech and educators truly adhered to the First Amendment, both the views of scientists who believe in God and the views of scientists who do not would be fairly represented in student textbooks.
As already noted, Charles Darwin credits our Creator with being behind the universal reality and processes of life in every edition of his now famous book other than the first. Unlike some dishonest modern historians and scientists invent out of very thin air, the reason our Creator isn’t referenced in Darwin’s first edition probably has nothing to do with Darwin trying to appease his wife or religious leaders in later editions, as they pretend.
Based on Darwin’s own actions and willingness to openly debate religious leaders and other skeptics of his theory, there is no sound historical reason to conclude this and, every reason to believe otherwise. Rather, the reason Darwin may have failed to include this in his first edition is because at that time in history, the vast majority of scientists and other educated people believed in God and thus, the existence of God is assumed and didn’t apply to Darwin’s purpose for writing the book.
It is more likely Darwin included this statement in subsequent editions to clarify his own position, after his first edition had created a significant amount of public controversy, a controversy which perhaps Darwin himself didn’t originally anticipate. At any rate, it is hardly being fair to Charles Darwin to insinuate he was of such weak moral character and integrity, that he would bow to public pressure on such an important matter as what some scientists today refer to as the “God Question”.
If Darwin did, why would or should anyone revere or ever trust him or his judgment today? Consider the utter hypocrisy of someone claiming Darwin was too afraid of his wife and/or religious leaders to remain honest regarding something as foundationally important as whether or not there is a Creator on one hand, while on the other hand, the same person anointing Darwin as one of the greatest scientists of all time!
Near the end of his life, Darwin himself described his mind as “mainly agnostic, but not entirely”. Since the term “agnostic” at that time in history sometimes referred to distrust in religions and human understanding of God, rather than doubt concerning the existence of God, it may be fair to conclude that while Darwin seriously doubted the religions of his society (as did Socrates, Jesus, Paul and Einstein among many other prominent historical people), even till his dying day Darwin at the very least, suspected there might be a Creator. As some historians and other intellectuals today incredibly dishonestly do, no one can honestly conclude that someone who claims to be “mainly agnostic but not entirely” is an atheist.
It is more fair to conclude that neither Darwin nor any other legitimate scientist or honest human being would say there is no God or probably no God, as there is simply no known evidence supporting such an irrational, non-evidence based, non-verifiable position. And, as anyone who is even a little bit familiar with Socrates, Descartes and the history of philosophy, science and reason is aware of, what Darwin believed or failed to believe has no relevance to the existence of God, nor does what any of the rest of us believe or fail to believe have any relevance to God’s existence, any more than what humans believe about the shape of the earth would somehow dictate the actual true shape of the earth.
There is no evidence energy, motion or light can exist without Primary Cause, while there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There is no evidence finite beings of intelligence and conscious awareness can randomly arise and magically exist unto themselves, while there is overwhelming evidence that intelligence and conscious awareness, if not eternal, requires previous intelligence and conscious awareness in order to exist. There is no evidence zillions of trillions of zillions of parts within parts can magically self-assemble, while there is overwhelming evidence that computers, automobiles and anything and everything else containing parts within parts, requires intelligence, conscious awareness, conception, design and construction in order to exist.
There is no evidence that mathematics can magically exist unto itself, as if a math test sitting on a student’s desk in a classroom at MIT or Oxford could just randomly magically “self-design” and appear on a few pages stapled together, without an intelligent being conceiving of, devising and creating the test; as if math could somehow just randomly accurately predict the existence of a particle of matter before the particle is actually discovered. And as detailed elsewhere, it requires far more blind faith to be an atheist than it does to believe in all of the religions, fairy tales and other superstitions in human civilization history combined.
If the modern “big bang” theory is accurate, there is no evidence for “random” from the top down anywhere within the grand design universal reality; whatever we can observe and otherwise detect, including in the quantum reality where scientists often carelessly apply the term “random”, is a result of the big bang and by common language definition, is not random from the top down. It is helpful to state here as previously noted, some quantum theorists have suggested what appears from our view to be particles of matter “randomly” popping in and out of existence, may in reality be merely a result of matter traveling between dimensions we can detect and other dimensions we cannot detect.
Suffice it to say, here in an age of vanishing compassion, democracy and freedom, it overwhelmingly appears that human science knows very little about either human behavior, the quantum world or much of anything else, compared to what there is yet to learn. Near the beginning of the First Century, Jesus said, “before Abraham was, I AM” and here in the 21st Century, there remains no other known rational explanation other than Eternal Creator(s), for the existence of the observable reality we call “universe”. The entire universe is evidence for God; there is far more evidence for God than for invisible light, black holes, dark matter, dark energy and all of the rest of modern evidence combined.
Today, we find ourselves living in a 21st Century of greed-is-good philosophy, extreme arrogance, dishonesty and avarice, growing unrest and violence. A growing global economic gap between the wealthy and the poor has unsurprisingly, led to increasing global corporate economic dominance and indenturetude, a growing lack of love and empathy and looming planetary catastrophe, the likes of which human civilization has never before experienced; an age clearly and scientifically accurately predicted by Jesus.
Nothing contained within this work purports to “apologize” for our Creator but rather, many of our scientists, authors, media hacks and educators should indeed, be apologizing to we the common people who Jesus dearly loves for grossly misleading us and offering our children no hope, rhyme, reason or purpose for crawling out of bed in the morning. Our father in heaven has no need of anyone to apologize for or otherwise defend him. Creation and the words and deeds of Jesus speak for God.
In spite of growing overwhelming evidence for deliberate conception and design displayed in every direction and everywhere we turn within the “grandeur” of our observable reality, many scientists and educators continue to pretend there is no God. As if they somehow would know and because they have a string of rather dubious credentials attached to their names, we should all just bow low and take their blind faith word for it. As if Jesus wasn’t correct regarding the blind leading the blind falling into a common ditch of deception and destruction.
As if our modern science and education doesn’t continue to produce scientists who work for the global war machine and bankers and politicians of extreme avarice and even less wisdom and vision, who while living in opulent excess themselves, continue to deliberately scam the common masses out of life, liberty, health, homes, jobs, work safety, vacation, paid sick and maternity leave, retirement and other benefits, life savings and any hope of a pursuit of happiness; as if they aren’t just common sinners born in the dark like the rest of us; as if they are fooling anyone other than themselves.
And, as if a so-called “age of reason” hadn’t resulted in the rise of global imperialism and slavery, violent and bloody American, French, Russian, Chinese and many other revolutions and far more devastating and destructive wars; as if our science and education hasn’t resulted in horrific weapons of mass destruction rather than peace and mutual cooperation, a looming World War Three and a pollution filled environmental nightmare for our children and children’s children to inherit and try to survive in as best they can. As if any of this somehow proves that life is only about survival of the fittest and, human rights and morality have no origin, basis, rhyme, reason or purpose; as if such purveyors of pulp fiction openly denying their own shortcomings would somehow know.
Here in a 21st Century of science and wonder, Charles Darwin, the de facto god of far too many modern intellectuals who really should know better, a careful scientist who many times credited our Creator with being behind the processes of life, may be on the verge of being dethroned. And perhaps no one other than our Creator would be as pleased as Darwin himself.
That is, if he were here today to speak for himself, rather than the many frauds today claiming to understand what Darwin intended, rather than going by what he actually said in his own written words. One might fairly ask, how could such a profound scientist be incapable of speaking for himself regarding the most fundamental question in all of human history, inquiry and reason, which is how and why is there a universe likely teaming with all manner of both familiar and unimaginable exotic forms of life?
No one living today really knows, but it may be that our Creator isn’t mentioned in Darwin’s first edition because the vast majority of scientists of his day were humble enough to bow to the obvious overwhelming evidence, rather than wasting valuable time, energy and money prancing around pretending the universe somehow magically appeared, as if anyone living on earth somehow would or could possibly know. Charles Darwin was likely far better than that and so no doubt, is our father in heaven.
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