Conspiracy Theory

Richard Aberdeen
11 min readNov 17, 2024


Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theory — Microsoft

As the 21st Century unfolds, there is all manner of conspiracy theories, including the old theory that a few wealthy men control the world. While it remains doubtful that a single conspiracy theory is true, there is something that sticks out as being very true. And that is the natural conspiracy of wealth.

Historian Howard Zinn informs us that at the dawn of the American Revolution, over ninety percent of America’s wealth (not including holdings of the British and other foreign governments) was concentrated among less than ten percent of the American population. Rather discouragingly, near the end of this rather interesting treatment of American history, Mr. Zinn relates that when Jimmy Carter took office, approximately one third of the wealth was concentrated within the top one percent, eighty-three percent of personal stock was owned by the top five percent. And it appears safe to state that over 90% of the wealth remained in the hands of less than ten percent of our modern population a quarter of the way through the 21st Century.

In other words, in spite of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the freeing of the slaves, the emergence of unionization, the semi-liberation of women and minorities, modern science and education and our supposed free and democratic way of life, the historical record of America indicates these have little to do with the actual eventual overall economic position of the masses — -that is, with who actually gains and who ultimately controls.

To be fair, the average lot and lifestyle of the common people in the United States is superior to that of the common masses in many other nations, but nevertheless, the vast majority of our nation’s wealth remains in the control of a relatively elite few. It is also more than historically accurate to say that any economic advantage enjoyed today by average Americans has been gained through many years of bitter and often bloody struggle between the wealthy corporate elite and greedy corporations and landowners and the impoverished and often as not, economically enslaved American working masses.

Those who haven’t studied American history in depth generally remain unaware of the highly oppressed history of the vast majority the working-class. And of a certainty, what passes for ‘education’ in modern day America is bound (by design) to keep the general American population in continuing historical darkness regarding the true legacy of American capitalism and ‘free’ enterprise. That sordid legacy remains, that while some people are worth many billions of dollars, others remain homeless, even though many of them work harder than those with the billions.

A similar reality can be found in many (perhaps all) major civilizations throughout recorded history. That is, no matter what the economic, religious or social theory or political system set in place, those who possess the wealth tend to encroach on the human and civil rights of (actually stomp all over) those who do not. Consider when the Fidelistas finally took control of Cuba in early 1959; one of the first things Castro did was to hold a meeting with the country’s bankers, dictating to them in no uncertain terms what it was they were expected to do.

Successful revolutionaries, it would seem, come to understand early that control of the wealth is paramount toward the solidification of power. Likewise, consider Russian Czars and the bourgeois property-owning capitalists who slowly drained a nation’s wealth away from and in the process, left the working masses of a great population utterly enslaved and impoverished. Not long after the inevitable revolution that brought Lenin to power and after many atrocities of Lenin’s own doing, Stalin and those who followed him ended up creating their own version of a wealthy Russian bureaucratic elite, enjoying lives of luxury at the expense (and often torture and death) of the still greatly impoverished proletariat who Lenin supposedly rescued.

Again, compare the American Revolution, whose primary belligerents were mostly people of means and who initially, severely limited who could vote and hold power; only white male land owners. They didn’t originally include the basic civil rights found in the now famous first ten amendments to the Constitution and some of them continued to oppose their inclusion after ratification.

Likewise, assess the all too common avarice of the Kings, Queens and generally not so benevolent despots of human history, who habitually overtax and enslave their subjects to support, not only their affinity for war and violence towards other populations, as well as their own. But also, their over-the-top luxurious lifestyles, ornate buildings and elaborate over-indulgences, while the common masses often starved and lived in squalor.

And consider the not-so-proud legacy of the Catholic Church, which has a rather checkered history of vacillating between her own economic interests, with that of powerful kings and wealthy landowners and merchants. As the historically jaded among us sometimes conclude, the golden political rule of humanity invariably remains, “those who have the gold make (and often break) the rules”. And more importantly, those who rule for very long must of necessity, maintain the allegiance of the wealthy elite.

According to the authors of the Bible, behind the physically obvious war and rumor of war that nations are habitually caught up in, there is an underlying world system (Gr. “kosmos”) controlled by evil and based on the love of wealth. This evil system, symbolized by Babylon (confusion), “rules over the kings of the earth.” This Biblical view is arguably more advanced and correct in terms of true global historical perspective and more profound in vision and scope.

And unlike modern theories of deliberate conspiracy attributed to political and economic powers or to a select few, the Biblical world system view of economic collusion more accurately describes what might be called “the natural conspiracy of wealth”. That is, those who control the wealth support laws, rules, regulations and religious, political, civil and social powers, ideologies and customs, whether consciously or not, which tend to protect their economic interests at the expense of the common masses and others who have no economic leverage.

One of the more interesting realities of the history of human civilization is the often-overlooked fact that no one person or organized group of individuals has thus far, been able to rule the entire world. Although often extremely determined and generally ruthless individuals as diverse as Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, Genghis Kahn, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Hitler and several other would be masters of the masses who have apparently set their hearts toward world domination, there is a considerable amount of historical evidence which indicates, just as the Bible seems to claim, that there are checks and balances in place (more accurately, a Giant Thumb) to insure that no one person will ever rule the entire earth by brute force. Each individual or group of would be king of kings who have tried so far have invariably, somehow managed to meet their Waterloo of opposing reality, prior to achieving the ultimate objective.

In spite of the historically immature claims of modern supply-side economics and the manifesto of adopted parent Adam Smith’s lassie-faire insistence of free markets self-regulating toward the common good, both pre and post-industrial Europe leaves a contradicting legacy of wealthy kings, prelates, nobles and merchants living in splendor, while the common masses performing the drudge labor of society, reside in open and utter squalor. Likewise, in pre-unionized America, the natural conspiracy of wealth resulted in coal, meat, steel and oil tycoons and their political cronies enjoying lifestyles far better than most kings of recorded history, while the labor force masses, consisting of children as young as four years old, lived in similar utter poverty with early-death inducing 12–18 hour workdays and unhealthy living conditions, no healthcare, paid vacations, sick days or other benefits and very unsafe and utterly deplorable working conditions.

Again, the economic lessons of history clearly teach us that if the pressures of modern unions and human rights legislation were to be lifted, the seemingly benevolent non-unionized companies now offering relatively safe working conditions, livable wages, healthcare and other benefits would in short order, revert back to the unsafe and utterly despicable economic slave-labor sweat shops of 19th and early 20th Century America. Notwithstanding, without the necessary meat packing and pharmaceutical regulations instituted by Republican president Theodore Roosevelt, we would again soon be developing the trichinosis and other bacteria-related disease caused by consumption of spoiled meat deliberately marketed for profit, along with inheriting a plethora of the placebo-type pills, fraudulent wonder-potent drugs and miracle cough syrup elixirs of the recent American past.

The historical truth regarding ‘trickle-down’ theory clearly exposed, is that without wise government regulation, human rights protections and collective labor pressure, the natural conspiracy of wealth runs all over the common masses in favor of the powerful and generally callous, wealthy elite. And quite frankly, the historical reality regarding the convoluted notion of free markets of human greed and avarice somehow self-regulating toward the overall common good, is proven time and again, to be a twisted and complete and utter lie.

Although it is highly unlikely that the ultra-wealthy elite of the modern era actually meet somewhere in smoke-filled back rooms deliberately plotting to covertly control the masses, the natural conspiracy of wealth nevertheless, seeks to control the masses just the same. One corporation may try a certain strategy to increase market share, such as clever mind influencing commercial jingles or even subliminal advertising. And before long, every corporation who can afford to compete and/or manage to borrow, falls right in line with the same (and ever more elaborate) schemes of mind and emotion control to influence what people purchase.

The end result is that millions of people compulsively purchase unaffordable, unhealthy and totally unnecessary goods and services. It’s the same as if the heads of these corporations had gathered in a secluded spot and deliberately conspired to turn the common masses into neurotic irresponsible compulsive gluttons. If anyone needs further proof, consider what is called “Black Friday”, when millions of consumers make utter fools of themselves to save $50 on an even bigger television than they already have, even though the one they have works fine.

Consider computer game manufacturing companies who collectively push their time-consuming and often as not, worthless products on our children — -good for the economic interests of the companies but not necessarily so good for our inactive and non-socializing offspring. Then consider soft drink companies cajoling both children and adults to consume far more of their products than is likely to be in our best interest, alcoholic beverage companies encouraging us to drink more than is healthy, fast food companies convincing us to eat far more fatty foods than most physicians consider wise and so on.

Obviously, computer game, soft drink, alcoholic beverage and fast food companies do not deliberately collude together to encourage our species to act in an unhealthy manner, yet the end results of the natural conspiracy of wealth are the same as if they had actually met in some mythical, all-corporation encompassing boardroom and deliberately conspired against our best interests. Likewise, consider the pharmaceutical industry convincing us to subject our bodies to far more legal drugs than one would assume appropriate, insurance companies talking us into insurance that we really do not need, the entertainment industry pushing the latest motion pictures and song recordings as ‘can’t do without’ necessities, automobile companies, cosmetic companies, clothing companies, shoe companies and, as a famous song from the 1960’s might ends up accurately predicting, the corporate commercial natural conspiracy of wealth beat goes on and on and on and on.

And perhaps most disturbing of all, note the current push of American banking interests to mimic European commerce innovation, promoting to both merchants and consumers alike, the seeming advantages of the new (not so new in Europe) microchip technology. How much more often are those who can ill afford to do so likely to purchase on credit if they carry around an implanted ‘credit card’ chip wherever they happen to go? And consider how freedom-less global society is likely to become as governments and corporate interests can determine more and more where we go, who we associate with, what we like, what we don’t like and much more.

Although this in all probability is not a deliberate plot hatched by all major banking interests to control how people buy and sell, all banking institutions are nevertheless, more than likely to march right along in the credit card computer chip implant line. Thus, the end result will be the same as if it were a deliberate global conspiracy. . . And such technology will no doubt control how people buy and sell in the not too distant future, which the Bible long ago predicted.

Historically, well over fifty percent of all United States congressional representatives (both Senate and House) have been members of the legal profession and it doesn’t take much of a learned extrapolation to conclude that powerful corporate and other money interests largely control judges, lawyers and the remaining reprobates who supposedly represent we the people. Indeed, most historians eventually come to the similar discouraging conclusion that legal systems of major societies, by-and-in-large, consist of laws, rules and regulations initiated by the wealthy and powerful to protect what they possess from those who do not have nearly as much.

Consider the two branches of Congress in the United States. Corporate lobbyists literally control much of the legislation passed by these two bodies of government. In fact, corporate lawyers often draft legislation the way they want it to be written and then hand it to their corporate pawns in the Senate and the House to pass. Here in the 21st Century, wealthy corporations are allowed to give and our so-called ‘representatives’ are allowed to receive, what are nothing but common bribes. As such, the natural conspiracy of wealth controls the United States government, rather than the Constitution.

As Jesus predicted, no matter how wealthy and seemingly advanced our societies may become, there can be no rational historical doubt that the poor will always be among us. Today, in spite of our modern scientific and educational theoretical advances, neither capitalism, communism, socialism nor any modern mixture of these thus far, has been able to realize the desirable ‘Robin Hood’ result of taking from the rich until there are no more wealthy or poor as defined. On the contrary, the gap between rich and poor, both within the United States and on a global level, is growing ever larger.

As we move on into an increased computerized globalization refinement and control, it is perhaps becoming more feasible than it once was for those who would seek to control the world to actually achieve such an objective. As the oft scorned authors of the Bible long ago predicted, there will come a time on our planet when the world economic system will be in the hands of a global leader and no one “may buy or sell” without the “mark or the name of a global leader or the number of his name”, the prediction being so precise as to designate the right hand or forehead area.

“The beast”, also called “the man of sin”, refers to a particularly wicked and vile, yet seemingly peaceful and human rights oriented leader, who will arise and deceive “the small and the great” by the use of most deceptious and cunning methods. And as American Express, Visa and MasterCard continue to research the shared desired capability of implanting information in the hands and foreheads of the masses, no one familiar with world banking trends and the economic collusion and ultimate goals of large banking interests, is laughing very loud.

And we should not despair, for as the Bible predicts, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of evil spirits, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” For one day, the natural conspiracy of wealth will plague the earth no more.

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